CAR-T Treatment & Travel

CAR-T treatment instructions:

1.Patient passed the CAR-T consultation & proved acceptable.

2.Patient provide travel documents(mainly the passport) for CAR-T treatment.

3.Provide the invitation letter to the patient

4.Patient apply for VISA.

5.Patient book flight tickets and send us the ticket info.

6.Patient arrive, we arrange a car to pick them up.

7.Patient in hospital for around 2-3 months

  • The full treatment protocol/plan is
  • Admitted examination, (1 week)
  • T-cell collection
  • CAR-T manufacture ( 2-3 weeks)
  • Conditioning, 3 days before infusion
  • Side effect control and support treatment until discharge.
  • 1st effective evaluation, 20-30 days after infusion
  • 2nd effective evaluation, 40-60 days after infusion
  • Discharge

8.Send the patient to the airport.

Fill in the form as follow to get a free consulation & the best CAR-T solution!
