Fosun Kate Bio’s Second Car-t Cell Therapy Has Been Approved Clinically For Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Beijing News (reporter Wang Kara) on the evening of March 2, Fosun Kate Bio announced that KFC889, the second CAR-T cell therapy invested by Fosun Kate, was approved for clinical trial, and applied for clinical trial of recurrent or refractory mantle cell lymphoma after receiving second-line or above treatment in the past.

Mantle cell lymphoma is a rare non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The prognosis of patients with recurrent or refractory mantle cell lymphoma is poor. Disease recurrence is almost common and there is a lack of effective treatment. Many patients may be receiving multi-line treatment all their life. The five-year survival rate after recurrence is only 27%, which is significantly lower than that of other lymphoma subtypes. This situation highlights the urgent need for innovative solutions.

KFC889 is a CAR-T cell therapy that Fosun Kate introduced tecartus from Kite Pharma affiliate company to Gilead Sciences in the United States for industrialization and commercialization in China. It is also Fosun Kate’s second CAR-T cell therapy in the field of blood cancers. Up to now, Fosun Kate has invested about 11.92 million yuan in R & D for this type of product at this stage.

Tecartus is a chimeric antigen receptor CAR-T cell therapy. It is also an individualized treatment method that uses the human autoimmune system to target cancer cells. In July 2020, tecartus was approved by the U.S. Food and drug administration to be listed in the United States. In December 2020, Tecartus was approved by the European Drug Administration for listing in Europe. It is the first and only CAR-T cell therapy approved for the treatment of adult patients with recurrent refractory mantle cell lymphoma.

As of March 3, the same target autologous CAR-T cell therapy products that have been listed in China include Fosun Kate’s Yescarta (Axicabtagene Ciloleucel, Axio-Cel) and JW Therapeutics’s Carteyva (Relmacabtagene Autoleucel,relma-cel) in Shanghai China.