Why does a patient come to China for CAR T-cell therapy?

CAR T China Reports:

  1. More Clinical Trials here in China than anywhere else. So that means we have a lot of experienced doctors in CAR-T field. Then the data from Clinical Trials.com show the registered CAR-T clinical trials around the world as below. China now tops the list. You could find more hopes here.
  • China: 51%
  • USA: 36%
  • THE REST: 13%

Seeing is believing! https://clinicaltrials.gov/

See how many CAR-T cell trails in China. It’s 614 cases according to clinicaltrials database. We will help you find the best one for you.

CAR T China trials

2. Budget Price. Although many CAR-T therapies have been approved by the medical authorities, the high cost of treatment is still a major problem that many patients have to face. In fact, it comes to USD400,000-USD500,000 each patient for CAR-T treatment like Kymriah from Novartis & Yescarta from Kite Pharma. Moreover, this is the cell preparation only. The other medical cost is not counted in. But in China it takes only USD80,000-USD100,000 each patient. As well as, it’s all in one cost. Only 1/6 of the USA, 1/2 of the Israel. You can tell from the chart as below.

car-t average price

3. Moreover, it works pretty well with good Complete Remission. According to the latest records & reports, It works pretty well in the B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia , T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemi, B-Cell Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma. And For MM patients, some of them get complete remission even if they are BCMA negative. It has been proved in the following chart.

CAR-T results