China will resume the all visas to China from March 15

China News Agency, March 14 – According to the Consular Express from WeChat on the 14th March 2023, the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a notice on further adjusting the visa and entry policies for foreigners to China. The notice said that in order to further facilitate the exchange of Chinese […]

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The new CAR-T cell therapy achieved a miraculous reversal in the treatment of a man with lymphoma

Shenzhen News, February 14, 2023 (Reporter Liu Mengting, Correspondent Wang Lixin, Wang Suqi) Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is a relatively common type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is an aggressive lymphoma with a high degree of malignancy. Very high, the course of the disease progresses rapidly, and without active treatment, the median survival time is less than […]

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CAR-T Cases of Malignant mesothelioma and ovarian cancer showing good results

Mesothelioma Most car-t cell therapies need to target cancer cell related membrane proteins, while Shanghai Cell Therapy Group uses a new method to not only target cancer cell related membrane proteins, but also secrete antibodies to change the microenvironment around tumors. This method is derived from the “nano antibodies” naturally produced by alpacas and camels. […]

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Why some patients without antigen escape still get relapsed after CAR-T therapy?

CAR T-cell therapy targeting CD19 is highly effective in children and adults with B-ALL. 90% of patients initially responding to the therapy. Yet despite this high response rate, nearly 50% of patients relapse, and a large proportion of these patients remain CD19-positive. The researchers first investigated single-cell activation of CAR-T products from 12 ALL patients under […]

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World’s first fourth-generation car-t product sscart-19 was granted as an orphan drug by FDA

Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Unicar”) announced that its independently developed product sscart-19 cell injection was granted orphan drug qualification (odd) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on July 11, 2022 for the treatment of acute B-lymphocyte leukemia (B-ALL). This means that sscart-19 cell injection will enjoy preferential approval, market monopoly, […]

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Research on fastCAR-T cell therapy for B-ALL

Recently, Lu Daopei hospital and Gracell Bio jointly published a research article entitled “next day manufacturing of a novel anti-CD19 CAR-T therapy for B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: first in human clinical study” in the authoritative academic journal in the field of blood cancer (latest if=9.81), The results of a clinical study of fastCAR-T cell therapy […]

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Fosun Kate’s second CAR-T therapy starts clinical practice

On July 1, Fosun Kate registered and launched a single arm, multicenter, open phase II clinical trial of FKC889 for the treatment of recurrent / refractory mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Fkc889 is a CD19 targeted car-t cell therapy. This is the first clinical launch of this drug in China. Fkc889 was approved for clinical use […]

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Alpacas help to develop a new CAR-T therapy for mesothelioma as a breakthrough in clinical research from China

Does an alpaca has anything to do with malignant mesothelioma & CAR-T? The clinical study jointly initiated by Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital and Mengchao Tumor Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University found that CAR-T cells based on Alpaca nano antibody had a good effect on malignant mesothelioma in the enrolled patients with advanced mesothelioma. Relevant achievements were reported […]

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One year anniversary of China’s first CAR-T cell therapy product benefiting more than 200 lymphoma patients

The launch of China’s first CAR-T cell therapy product, Yikaida (Yescarta), gave the patients the hope of “cure” said Gu Hongfei, founder of Lymphoma Home in China.  In June last year, Yikaida (Yescarta) became the first CAR-T cell therapy product approved for marketing in China, which is suitable for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed/refractory large […]

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